Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 8

Feeling so grateful for the hope and openness these are offering me and my family! As I'm sitting each evening with them, now completing Day 8, I can't help wonder why it's so much easier to focus on the wiggling, the irritations, interruptions, the things that are challenges to peace vs. peace itself. I wouldn't trade this strange new experience of meditation -- I know it's "best enjoyed" in a distraction-free zone, but this is part of my experiment: can I invite peace in no matter the circumstance? And the answer is yes. At times. I'm noticing that there is a whole new layer of awareness about how challenging old habits are to break, but these mantras and this family ritual we've adopted are beautiful assurance that peace is here now, despite and around circumstance...and when and if I fall away from that understanding, I can get back up and accept whatever flavor of peace and harmony that's present. Here's to the Patron Saint of Second (and third, etc.) chances!

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