Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Overpriced Pumpkin Patch

But with llamas and goats and hay and broken rides! Against a Western blue sky in warm October it felt just like the '40s, except people weren't dressed nearly as interestingly. They wanted to charge me $7 to walk through a hay bale "maze" that might have taken 15 seconds. I was like, "....innhhh". We snuck into the broken down carousel and tried to make family portraits, but the light was too intense, and the battery too dying, and the moment was soonafter lost.

Tom left today and Willoree cried in the car on the way home. Thanks, Tom, for coming out to see us! And we'll see you after Christmas. You, too, Sheila...


Tom Schulz said...

I had a wonderful time....llama mamas,blog starts, pancakes, things that make sense, projects, snow flutters, naps and stories, checklists, and the big circle of life! xoxox

Cedar Creek Webb Reunion 2009 said...

This is a whole new take on "bumpin' up and down in my little red wagon..."