Monday, November 02, 2009

Blender Broke.

Well, damn.

Our blender broke yesterday. Thank the baby Michael Jackson I don't have the flu anymore.

And so now I want to graduate from Osterizing and get a VitaMix and also an Excalibur dehydrator. I'm adding these things to my wish list, and selling some stuff from our garage to save up some money to pay for them. I will need to sell a lot of things. A lot of things.

I have this list of things I want, and images of what I want my home and life to look like...when was the last time any of you made a vision board? Collage of stuff you wanted, or things that make you feel good, or places you'd like to visit, your dream hair, etc. etc.? Two vision boards showed up at a retreat I was participating in by my friend, Beverlee Garb, and I got excited about getting out my scissors, poster board, glue, magazines, and acting like I was 13...staying up really late with a girlfriend and making one.

So yeah. Are you my girlfriend? Let's choose a night and get to cutting, girl. Then our lives will take on a glossier, more magazine-y hue. We will post our boards up (assuming they look good) in a place where we look often. We'll think of how much more creative we "used to be" (does anyone else feel like that?) and think of each other and of our sweet and deliberate unfolding lives...


Mark Edmonds said...

we love our vitamix, it's played a part in my improved health.

Nichole Calagias said...

I read the words and thought the thoughts all at the same time... why because we are connected.....lets get to glossy magazine cutting... and poster board making......what night? I am in!! xoxo love you miss your face and belly and family

Nichole Calagias said...

I read the words and thought the thoughts all at the same time... why because we are connected.....lets get to glossy magazine cutting... and poster board making......what night? I am in!! xoxo love you miss your face and belly and family

Mary D. Geitner said...

Let's get on it, and talk about it TH at midwifing?? Love. Peace. Scissors.