I read a paragraph today and learned a new word: Pneumaplasm. Pneumaplasm is the substance of the energetic field surrounding each of us, and is generated out of our flesh as the creative Spirit moves through us in the living of life. There is a story of Creation that tells of a mist coming up from the ground, and immediately following, the Invisible Spirit creates man from earth...and breathes into him the breath of life. The mist is a depiction of pneumaplasm.
Phoebe is a pensive, calm, pneumaplasmistic gal who's a joy to be around. She's also beautiful and interesting and loves to study the light and listen to the little song the glow worm sings. More about her and life as a family of four later.
Ben and I went to Denver to attend our good friend, David Fodel's, thesis show: Still Life in Real Time. It was a beautiful show, and made me feel very proud to know him, and to have shared almost all of my CO days knowing him and his great family. The show was also groovy in that it was pitched high above our heads in the Gates Planetarium and made use of things like a Wii hidden in a loaf of bread, or in a sunflower. David writes, "Still Life in Real Time is an exploration of contemporary notions of "stillness" as seen through different lenses: scientific, technological, and cultural. Three vignettes will be presented, each embodying different aspects of relationships to history, media, and memory and the interfaces we devise to examine and manipulate the data associated with each.

photos by iPhone and taken at the reception (at OBJECT + THOUGHT in Denver) of his processed, as projected on the garage door. There was an inordinate amount of tricky looking math amongst these images, too, but stupid iPhone couldn't work fast enough to take photos of them. And then we had to go eat supper so I left so as not to be left. The beautiful and talented Stacy B.; garage door images; David talking to Paco.

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